Friday, October 28, 2005

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A flock Grokker Map

To Grok: (grĂ´k) v -ker
1: to see results as a whole, gaining more value than
the sum of its parts.
2: A new way to look at search.

To access this map, click on the map image above,

or more about Grokker, visit

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Lead, follow, or get the Flock out of the way!

Flock Developer Preview is now available.

Our code couldn't wait any longer to be free!

But! This preview ain't for the faint of heart! If you're the bleeding-edge type and don't mind a few scrapes and busted knees from time to time, feel free to give it a whirl.

We've got interesting ideas in this thing. We want to know what we've done right how we could improve. And we've got a lot of work ahead of us!

So if a bucket of source code and developer binaries sound enticing, head over to our Developer page now.
Other Flock sites and content:

* FlockRadio
* FlockBuzz
* FlockPhotos

Five ways to:

* Get Started

Send love and postcards to 235 Alma Street Palo Alto CA USA Send email to
and tag your posts with flock!

Categories: , , , , , , , , ,

Friday, October 14, 2005

Zesty News I reckon!

10:27, Friday, October 14, 2005 -- Your Zesty News...don't bother clicking. It's a link to MY Zesty News feedAggregator that points to, localHost.

The image on the other hand is a link to the NY Times.
it must'a been pulled!I saw this in a feed from Weiqi Gao's weblog, who found it on a Chinese webSite called slashDotCN. It's 'By RANDY SIEGEL'

"Randy Siegel is the president and publisher of Parade Publications."

Copyright 2005
The New York Times Company

Recap; While browsing my feeds in Zesty News I spotted a feed from Weiqi that she'd syndicated from a Chinese /. clone that had logged it from the New York Times who'd gotten it from the publisher of Parade. I used Blog This! on the popUp feed preview generated by turboGears in my offLine fireFox browser from a record in SQL lite to post it all on Google's blogSpot then edited it to add credits and links with their bLogger.

It was so simple that it took me longer to insert the last paragraph than it took to do the rest. Move over web2.0!

Myself; I'd probably wear out the third button of 2084 in no time.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


klipFolio 3.0 beta


KlipFolio is a FREE desktop application that works as an RSS/Atom feed reader and much more.

It comes with a set of stock clips that does things like monitor googleNews for breaking stories, monitor C/net downLoads for new download offerings, monitor the weather anywhere, and so on.

The Klips and Folio can be configured and/or customized many ways, including with skins to change it's appearance. Most of KlipFolio works right out of the box, but it shines best when tweaked and customized. It's interface is pretty intuitive.

Serence hosts another site they call their KlipFarm where the offer other FREE Klips that expands the functions of the Folio.

The latest addition I've added and tried is their Quibble Klip. It's a too cool notePad type gizmo that lets you link notes to webSites and stuff.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 ~ search results ~ search results

Symbolic combinatorics

[Procedure] define more complex classes in terms of the already defined classes. These relations may be recursive.


[Recursive humour / Proof of Existence] A common geeky joke (for example [1]) is the following "definition" of recursion.


A person who is interested in technology, especially computing and new media. Comparable with the classic definition of hacker.

New media

[New media and popular culture in the 1990s to 2000s] 2004 - Social software, GMail,, Flickr, tagging


Monday, May 09, 2005

jotSpot isHot!

Keeping Innovation Alive - The Hackathon by Bnoopy

'Dude, I just want to crawl into my hole [his cube], grow a beard, a build shit!'. I couldn't have put it any better myself.

I was impressed with the stuff these guys turned out in this hackathon. I got a feed from jotBlog via Rojo and followed it's link back to their webLog. Since the key programmers were named in the recent post I took the occaision to do google webSearches on their names. I was surprised that I had to take out their 'nicknames' before I got hits though. I was so impressed by the numbers of hits for some of those guys that I started taking and posting screenShots of them, showing their numbers.

After a few screenShots it occurred to me that raw hits didn't mean snap. The relevence was in the types of sites found and topics or content of their references. Still MILLIONS of hits for some of'em! Jeeze! I'll keep the screenShots I took back off this webLog to prove to the ol'lady that I don't spend too much time on the 'net! Relatively anyhow.

Now if I could just figure out how to rename my jotSpot wiki without deleting it and re-registering...

Thursday, May 05, 2005 2.0 (1..9.95) Introduction: There's already a newer version out!

Getting To Work: Start Here

Although we very much want C coders to hack away with our developers, not all of the projects require you to be an ace C programmer. In fact, very much needs community members to help sustain the project.

If you are not interested in programming, consider:

* QA Project (Finding bugs & issues). We have positioned the QA project as the center for finding bugs. Follow the instructions there.
* User Help Project. Hundreds of users come to the project wanting help on how to use it. our User-Faq project coordinates volunteer help.
* Marketing Project. We have a Marketing Project:. Its function: to spread the word among endusers and developers alike.
* Documentation Project. Consider joining our Documentation project. We need documentation, in any language.

If you are a developer, of whatever level, start here:

Development Section. Our general page linking to all key development projects (API, Porting, etc.), including our SDK and mail lists.

Monday, May 02, 2005


Appnel Internet Solutions: Simple, effective solutions that get things done. Specializing in Movable Type systems.: "The entry, XML::XOXO, is an object-oriented Perl API for working with XOXO a simple, XML and XHTML valid way of expressing extensible outlines that Technorati is advocating.

The package includes a parser, a simple perlish object tree model and a basic facility for re-serializing the data into XHTML fragments. The intent of XML::XOXO was to provide developer's with the core functionality needed to implement this more expressive and versatile alternative to OPML in their applications. It was also designed as the foundation for a library to work with the attention.xml specification and API that is in-progress, but incomplete.

XML::XOXO can be found in CPAN."



RSS Workshop - a Tutorial:

In this workshop you'll learn how to create, validate, parse, publish, and syndicate your own RSS news channel. The emphasis will be the practical application of the two most popular varieties of RSS for dynamic publishing.

You can use RSS channels to allow customers to keep up on industry specific news, check weather, look for jobs, view upcoming concerts or university lectures, monitor specific websites, and much more. Some examples of the varieties of applications that government agencies and others have created:

More Tutorials


Most popular

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Main Articles: 'Syndicated content: it's more than just some file formats?', Ariadne Issue 35:

There is, unsurprisingly, an increasing recognition that digital resources of all kinds are eminently suitable to repurposing and reuse. The Iconex Project [1], for example, was funded under JISC's 5/99 Programme to look at the creation, storage and dissemination of reusable learning objects. Service providers of the Arts & Humanities Data Service [2] concern themselves with collecting the digital outputs of scholarly activity in order to preserve them for posterity, but also with facilitating their ongoing use and reuse by learners, teachers and researchers across the community [3]. International developments such as the Open Archives Initiative [4] explicitly recognise the value of sharing metadata about resources with any number of service providers in order to raise visibility, and draw greater attention to the underlying resources.

As the presentation frameworks generically labelled as 'portals' continue to gain ground across the community, there will be an increasing requirement for reusable content of all forms, whether drawn from within the organisation building the portal or gathered from elsewhere. Work on the PORTAL Project [5], funded under the JISC's Focus on Access to Institutional Resources (FAIR) Programme [6] is raising issues relating to the reuse and reintegration of digital resources of various forms, specifically in the context of 'surfacing' these resources within institutional portals.

In this article, a number of these issues will be explored. For the sake of simplicity, and because of the ready availability of helpful visual examples, the bulk of the article will concern itself with RSS-based 'news feeds' [7]. Many of the issues raised, though, are more generically applicable, and will be revisited in greater detail through deliverables from the PORTAL Project itself.

Readers who are already comfortable with RSS may wish to skip straight to the suggestions for good practice... Those who are interested in making use of the potential offered by RSS, but without infrastructure such as a portal to display feeds of interest, might be interested in RSS-xpress-Lite from UKOLN [8], which allows RSS to be displayed in traditional Web pages with the use of a single line of Javascript.


mcli is the maricopa center for learning & instruction:

To foster student success, the Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (mcli) at the Maricopa Community Colleges, is dedicated to supporting and advancing teaching and learning by working collaboratively with faculty, administrators, and district-wide groups to provide quality services, programs, and resources. (more...)


Build a Feed You Can Cut 'n Paste:

Build a Feed!

The tool below will help you format a feed's display with the information you want to use on your web site. All you need to enter is the URL for the RSS source, and select the desired options below. Note that we now have a number of mirror Feed2JS sites that can provide the exact same service as we provide here.